Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Before It's 2011

It took me a few days, but I think I've recovered from the hectic holidays and I wanted to post about Christmas before it's Valentine's Day.  I say that because my tree is down and the hearts are up...I have a thing for the month of February!  Hint, hint! 

We started Christmas Eve Day at our house with some sledding and snowmobiling.  Then I served lunch for everyone and looking at this picture, it looks like I just served dip.  Somewhere in that dip-covered claw is a carrot, I think.

Next, I tortured everyone with pictures.  Here are Maija, Lexi, Ella, and Emma humoring me in front of the tree.

Then it was me and the girls.

Followed by my favorite siblings!  Pete was apparently practicing for his next mug shot and Maija was taking notice...

Finally, the family of 6 shot! 

So, we opened presents.  We timed it and it took about 45 minutes.  Then came a knock at the door.  Well, I'll be darned...SANTA!!  The funniest thing was Maija's reaction.  She threw that blanket over her head so fast and she stayed covered the whole time.  She finally came out of hiding after he left sweating and exhausted from shear terror. 

Next, was dinner at Papa Al and Jo's house.  Present opening took even less time as someone decided that the tornado-style of package opening would be best.  Lexi was just happy as a clam with her stocking of candy.

O.K. and here's a cuter picture of Blanket, I mean, Maija.

Christmas Morning, the older, more anxious sisters discovered a pretty sweet kitchen and a Wii with a "Just Dance" game to rock out to.  I must note that it looks like Ella and Emma attempted to put on all of their new clothes, jammies, and socks and wore them to bed.

We spent the morning having breakfast and playing the Wii and then Auntie Jen thought it would be a good idea to get them all cranked up to go to Tower for the Lamppa get-together.

There were more presents and more good laughs.  And when it's Christmas, things like eating a whole plate of cookies is more than acceptable! 

It was another wonderful Christmas Holiday!  We are so blessed to spend it with so many of our relatives in the area.  What more could we ask for?

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