Sunday, December 5, 2010

Grocery Store Gawking

Josh has been pheasant hunting in Montana since last Wednesday.  Livin' the dream, I like to say!!  So, yesterday we HAD to get groceries because we had NOTHING to eat.  And because of the slim-pickings, we had eaten out Tuesday night before Josh left.  Thursday we dined at McDonald's after Ella had dance.  Friday, I ordered some pizzas.  It was getting ridiculous. 

So, I chose Saturday late-morning to do grocery shopping with the 4 Littles.  Wouldn't you?????  When we got in the store, I quickly realized that it was Sample Day or something.  There was free samples at every corner!  JACKPOT!  (It's the little things in life nowadays that I get excited about.)  So, the kids feasted on crackers and dip, potica, cookies, caramel apple pie.  They were good and normally they are pretty good.  But what's funny about the grocery store is the number of times I am stopped by strangers who ask if they are all mine.  Maybe it's because my cart is full of jackets and bodies and bags and not groceries.  And as I stand there sweating from pushing the cart around (because of course, we need the ginormous car cart that seats 4), it's really nice to hear a compliment like, "They are being so good!" or "They're all so beautiful!" or "I bet they're a lot of fun!" 

It reminds me that yes, they are being really good.  Yes, I am so very fortunate to have 4 healthy, beautiful girls.  And yes, they are fun and they do bring a lot of joy to my life.  Sometimes you need a stranger to remind you of your blessings when you're sweating and would rather be any place else!

Ella and her cat-like ears heard 6 compliments yesterday.  She said I should start keeping track with a marble jar.

And one lady who I talked to had raised 5 daughters and 1 son.  She told me I should really consider buying stock in feminine hygiene products.  She was very serious and said she wished she had with her family.  Sometimes I get strange advice instead of a compliment....

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