Friday, November 5, 2010

They got candy--the rest is just details!!

I've been known to get caught up in the details of things.  Things like paint colors (I often don't get it right the first time.), accessorizing our house, my kids' birthday parties, what color plates should I get, will they coordinate with the cake.  I, unfortunately, could go on and on.  So holidays are no different.  There are LOTS of details that I can obsess over when it comes to the holidays.

So this Halloween, Ella chose to dress up as the Tooth Fairy which I found cute since she currently has so few teeth.  We really just used dress-up items we already had and I added a few tooth items to her costume.  Emma wanted to be Batman.  She wanted to be the blue Batman, not the black Batman, and she didn't want a costume with built-in muscles.  This was impossible to find, so she got a black Batgirl costume.  Lastly, the twins...and when you have twins, there is this unspoken, unwritten rule that until they are old enough to have an opinion, their Halloween costumes must coordinate, go together, compliment one another, or all of the above.  It's weird, I know.  So a few weeks prior to the big day, I came up with the idea of one being a chicken and the other being an egg.  Get it?  Which one came first?

I'm not big on "sewing" costumes--I like to pin, glue, and make-it-work long enough to trick-or-treat in.  And it better not be too windy because I do not allow for 30 mph wind gusts in my construction.  So, I "made" my chicken and egg costume and I thought they were pretty darn cute.

The problem with being detail-orientated is that when you throw 4 kids in the mix, my rose-colored "vision" is often smeared with boogers and tears.  Obstacle #1:  Maintain cute costume while bundling the child up in layers for warmth.  Not everyone appreciates wearing so many layers that they can no longer bend.
Obstacle #2:  What to do when 2-year old suddenly refuses to wear assigned costume.  Maija was not feeling well and did not want to be the chicken.  (Lexi would later step up and wear the chicken outfit.)  Obstacle #3:  Handling frustration when you realize you forgot to bring the EGG COSTUME!!!!  We drove into town and got ready at Davis and Laura's house.  It was there that Josh and I realized we FORGOT the EGG!!!!  Maija trick-or-treated dressed as herself.  Obstacle #4:  Attempting to capture these wonderful memories and you see that your camera batteries are dead.  Yup, I know...God is trying to tell me something.

Bottom line, they got candy.  And I am learning to let go of some of the less important details.  

Ella, the tooth-less Tooth Fairy

Here's the only shot I have of Batman and Maija's scary costume!

Lexi, my chicken.  And yes, she did come first!

And the egg...maybe it will be debuted next year!

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