Well, look at this...2 in a row!
Went school shopping in Duluth with Ella and Emma. I was happy to go because well, I kinda like shopping. Ella is another shopaholic. Emma, on the other hand, must have asked me a million times after the first store if we could go home. Little did she know that she only had 5 more hours to go! Ha!
I must have heard myself say, "No, I'm not buying that." a million times as well. I wish I could splurge, but I had to, at one point, quickly remind Ella of the fact that we are a family of 6 stretching a teacher's salary as far as possible. I think she got my point.
We got what we really needed--Ella needed pants, they both needed shoes, and Emma needed an entirely new wardrobe. See for the past year, Emma has slowly redefined who she is and that, my friends, is a full-blown tomboy. And in just the past week, she has completely purged all girl clothes from her closet and drawers leaving her with not much. It was a bit frustrating because there were numerous new (girl) things we bought earlier this summer thinking she would wear them for kindergarten. And at that point in her life, she liked them.
Am I bothered by this preference? NO. Am I concerned about what kids may say to her and whether or not she allows it to affect her? YES. She is who she is and I love everything about her. Not exactly crazy about the wardrobe issue but we will make it work. There are bigger problems than that.
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