I am Catholic. Josh is Lutheran. My mom was Catholic. She was a Marquette School graduate and not only did she "know" her religion, but she also had a wonderful, loving relationship with God. She always maintained a strong faith and it helped her through many difficult times. However, she was very quiet about it. My dad is Lutheran and his position on religion remains a mystery. He entered into a Catholic Church only when necessary...baptisms, First Communions, confirmations, maybe a wedding or two. He stayed home during all the Christmas Eve masses to "guard the presents". Growing up, I did Sunday School, Wednesday night religious education classes, confessions, retreats, and I went to church every weekend with my mom and siblings. I know all the prayers said throughout mass. I know the more "popular" Bible stories. But I never truly understood... As a family, we never openly talked about God, or prayer, or what this all means. Looking back, I feel that I was completely going through the motions.
And now I have 4 children who I have chosen to raise Catholic and I want to do a better job in helping them develop a relationship, an understanding, a true faith in and love for God. It's a difficult position to be in when I feel like I have so much learning to do myself. Ella and I are having some wonderful discussions and she is asking questions that I don't have the answers to...right now, but I hope to get her the answers she needs to understand.
It's hard to admit your weaknesses and your short-comings, but I believe it's the first step in making a change. So I pray for guidance as I take this journey with my 4 blessings in raising them up!
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