Can't believe it's been a month since my last post.
EVERYONE tells me how quickly these years will FLY by.
Here's the last month in a nutshell:
1. Lexi gave up her beloved pacies!!!!!! I've been talking about the Paci Fairy and all her magic and then one night, right before bed, Lexi decided that that was the night to say good-bye to babyhood. The Paci Fairy had to think fast and come up with a gift for Lexi to wake up to--a Hello Kitty metal lunch box filled with candy was plenty for this 2-year old!!
2. I got a J-O-B!!! Ya, I know, I can't believe it either. I get one of those paychecks for my efforts too!!
I am working 3.5 hours a day at Ella's school. I had only a few days to find help with watching the kids and because I am so fortunate to have close family and friends, I accepted it. I started last Monday after scrambling to the stores that weekend to find "work" clothes. (I've spent the last 7 years in my comfy jeans and my pre-stay-at-home clothes either didn't fit or they looked really 2001!) It's been an adjustment to say the least. My brain needed to be woken up--I think it has been on autopilot for a long time. It's hard not to worry about the kids even for that short time (although they are doing well with the change). But it's a great opportunity. I need to start thinking about MY future and what it holds next for me.
3. We started on the basement remodel! This is exciting for us because we could use the extra floor space. So my dad generously offered to help transform his once workshop area into our family room with big closets!!! I will post pics of the progress.
4. All the kids seem to be going through some exciting events too. It's kindergarten registration week for Emma. O-M-G! So excited for her because I think she's going to love it. In just a few weeks, Lexi and Maija turn 3! I can't quite tell if we are leaving the Terrible 2's or just entering the Trying 3's. HA! We shall see. Ella has been busy with all her activities and has been preparing for her 1st dance recital in the beginning of May.
5. And an update on potty training--we are NOT potty training at the moment. I am still putting all my eggs in the "it will just happen" basket.
Things are really going well around here...I am thankful for that, but man, the days are flying by. I hope I can keep up!